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Hey y'all!

Our names are Stephen and Kayla, also known as  Steph & Kayls. We are high school sweethearts and have been together for 6 years! We are entrepreneurs, content creators, soulmates and most of all best friends. We live in Tampa, Florida but were born and raised in Minnesota. We moved to Florida 1.5 years ago to grow within and to open up more opprotunites for ourselves. Like they always say "follow where your heart leads you" and ours lead us here for the time being. We have 3 fur babies and enjoy working out, cooking new meals and watching football (specifially the Miami Dolphins).


We have had many ups and downs within our realtionship and the knowledge that we now have, we feel as if could be helpful in at least one aspect of your relationship. We hope this blog finds you well and that you're able to take some of our knowledge with you when you leave.


We aren't licensed therapists or licensed relationship consultants and what we say might not work for you! Everything that is said here is in hopes to help your current realtionship in a postive matter. Everything that is said has worked for us and we pray it works for some of you. 


Love us.

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