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How to communicate in a realtionship (#top10tips)

We are going to talk about what has worked for us with communication within our relationship and we are going to provide that valuable knowledge to you all in hopes that it could work in your relationship as well!

What works for us, might not always work for you. There are some pretty standard #communicationtips that generally work in every relationship that we will be noting in this blog.

Communication can be a tricky thing in a relationship, we have all had our ups and down with communicatin within their relationship. We did learn the hard way on how to communicate the best way and since we have figured it out, we have never gone back.

#1 - Tell your partner what you want from them

Try to avoid sugar coating things and just tell your partner what it is that you want from them or even in general. Be blunt about it! If something has been bothering you, just say it and express all of your feelings.

#2 - Try not to be a mind reader

We all think we know everything that our partner is thinking. It can be hard to not assume based on looks, tones, or comments. Usually what you're assuming they are thinking, isn't accurate at all. Assuming things could also turn things into a bigger deal than it has to be.

"In a relationship, when communication starts to fade, everything follows."

#3 - Picking up on non-verbal ques

The eye rolling or ones that you know your partner does when they're in a certain mood.

#4 - Set aside time to talk in person

This can be about why you're feeling the way you are or what's on your mind about a certain situation. You could even set aside time to talk about a stupid argument you has.

#5 - Going to sleep angry or not

We never go to sleep angry! There are therapists say it is okay to go to sleep angry but that doesn't work for us! Do what has worked in the past for you two.

#6 - Process your feelings first

If you feel like you need a break, take one! It is usually a sign that you should take a second to think before you speak if you were needing a break from your partner.

By now, you should know your partners trigger points and so when a small argument or even just communicating with them, set boundaries so that things never get taken the wrong way. With friends and family as well, ensure to have communication boundaries so that things dont get taken the wrong way there as well.

#8 - Listening and showing you're listening

Focus on just listening, that simple. No matter how big of whatever you're talking about with your partner is, listen. Stephen loves telling me new facts or cool things he just learned and I know it means a lot to just listen and give him the time of the day for those types of things so I make sure to listen. It makes your partner feel good!

#9 - Checking in with your partner throughout the day

If you're away from each other, make sure to check in! When they get home, ask about their day and actually listen to their response.

#10 - Understand that #compromises sometimes need to be made

This is to get to the same end, to be happy. You won't always agree but you do want a mutual agreement.

To take away...

Find what ways of communication works best within your relationship, whether its some of these or not, find it and run with it! What works for us, might not work for you but we are confident that some of these could be valuable within your relationship.

If you would like a more in-depth video surrounding this topic, click here.

Love us.


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