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How to handle small arguments

How to handle small/stupid arguments with your significant other and how to avoid those arguments getting taken out of proportion when they don’t need to be.

All of the #relationshipadvice found in this post is based off of personal experience and what has worked for us!

We are #highschoolsweethearts and have had our fair share of small and #stupidarguments and still do! We have noticed how there are certain things that we have worked on so that these small arguments don’t go too far. All of this advice is strictly based off of our personal experiences and we’re confident that you will find it useful!

We are going to talk about what to do and what not to do. We have definitely learned some of these the hard way!

What TO DO when you’re in a small argument…

  1. Think before you speak. It can definitely be hard in the heat of the moment to think before you speak but the more you try and the more you remind yourself, the more normal it will become to do so. Thinking before you speak also means to consider what you’re saying out loud and how your partner might take it. You know your partner pretty well and you know what triggers them or hurts their feelings.

  2. Pay attention to your tone. More often than we think, we say something in a certain tone that could possibly come off as passive aggressive or annoyed with one another. Talking in more of a calm tone has always worked best for us! We’re very strong minded people and when we are bickering, we’re stubborn!

  3. Saying “I understand”. As hard as it may seem, we know how hard it can be, just say it! It makes your partner feel like you’re listening to their point and trying to understand what they’re trying to get across to you better. Saying “I understand” doesn’t mean you agree nor does it mean you have to solve a problem either.

  4. Saying “I’m sorry”. Being as stubborn as we both are, it was a struggle transitioning to saying this in times where we’re bickering. Once you say it, it makes you both feel better about the situation. You can say you're sorry even if you don’t feel as if you’re wrong but you see and understand the repercussions of your words or actions to your partner at the time.

  5. Saying “You might be right”. Make sure that you say this one in the right tone though because, it can come off differently then what you’re trying to have your partner perceive it as. You’re basically showing your partner that you’re willing to work with them around the topic and saying it could definitely calm the mood.

  6. Let it go.

"Say what you mean but don’t say it mean." – Andrew Wachter

What NOT TO DO when you’re in a small argument…

  1. Raising your voice more and more progressively

  2. Bringing up evidence or “trying to prove a point”

  3. Speaking with a “tone”

  4. Refusing to let the topic drop

  5. To be insulting in any way

What to take away…

If it’s really that stupid and small of an argument, at the end of the day you love each other. Try to just let it go as much as you can. Don’t let the small arguments get to the point where they turn into something bigger just resolve the issue as soon as possible.

If you would like to see a more in-depth video surrounding this topic, click here.

Love us.


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