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How to keep the spark alive

These is useful #tips for all couples. What we talk about in this blog still helps us keep our spark alive after 6 years!

We have been together since high school and everything that were telling you in this post is all based off of what has worked for us. We’re confident that there are some things helping for us that will be useful for other couples!

Prioritize date nights

This is good for multiple reasons, you get alone intimate time, quality time and more time to just learn about your partner! It's the simplest activities that can bring you closer as a couple. Intimacy doesn’t always mean sex. Have fun with it! Once you plan it though, don’t blow it off, make sure it happens.

Overuse “I love you”

This sounds so simple, but it can be hard. You never know when the last time you will be with someone. Would you be satisfied with the last thing you said to your partner? Even if you’re mad at them, it is hard to not be stubborn but just say it! At the end of the day, you love your partner and they should be told more often than you think! This alone sparks something in anyone receiving those words.

Doing something for your partner

Whether this is helping them with something around the house or giving them personal space or alone time. This keeps the spark alive because it makes them feel appreciated/loved in a way. This also depends on what your love language is (we talk about that depth in a different post). Do something that would make them feel special, it’s the smallest things that go the furthest.

Learn their love language and learn to love them in their love language

We have a separate post and video talking specifically bout love languages so check that out for more in depth information! As soon as you find out each others love languages, it could make it do a 360!


Especially if your love language is words of affirmation, this will be key! If not, we are still confident it has worked to keep our spark alive significantly. Compliments still make people feel good. Remind your partner how beautiful they are, sexy they are and whatever you feel would make your partner feel better!

At the end of the day…

We hope you learned some useful information based off of what has worked in our relationship. Every relationship is different, but if there's anything to take away from this post, take away that love languages and compliments will most definitely keep that spark movin!

Make sure to check out the full in depth video linked here.

Love us.


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