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How to set goals as a couple and for yourself for the new year

We set goals each year personally and as a couple. Knowing that we set goals makes our subconscious believe it is a priority to get these done this year. We believe it’s crucial to have goals in order to move forward in life and to make sure you accomplish everything you want to accomplish before it’s too late.

The #relationshipadvice in this blog is strictly based off of personal experience. We have learned a lot of things the hard way so we thought it would be beneficial to share our knowledge and to hopefully help others with their relationship.

These are a few examples of our goals for the new year 2022 and how we came up with them.

We each chose 1 or 2 words to focus on this year

We chose commitment, consistency and positivity. For commitment, that means we are going to do whuatever we say we are going to do. We aren’t going to just “say“ we’ll do it, we will get it done this year. We chose consistency because we are going to ensure we get done with what needs to get done on a daily basis in the timely manner that it has to. Lastly, we chose positivity. We are going to be focusing more on positive affirmations this year and less complaining about the small things in life.

“ Today will be a great day.”

“I am worth, I am beautiful, I am brilliant, I can achieve anything that I want in life.”

Those are a few examples of what we say on a daily basis. Figure our your word or words that you want to focus on for the new year and say #positiveaffirmations every single day. I guarantee that will change something in you after awhile!

How we goal planned as a couple

We chose specific categories we wanted to focus on first such as;

  1. Fitness - If you arent into fitness, focus on your health goals with your partner or not. Be realistic with these goals because you don't want to set one that is super far fetched and if you don't achieve it, your subconcious will be defeated.

  2. Personal/Growth/Relationship - We first wrote what we wanted to learn more personally within the year. For our relationship goals. We analyzed what didn't work in our relationship in the past year and that is what we are going to focus more on this next year. We also wrote down to prioritize date nights 2/month.

  3. Activities/Travel - We wrote down things we wanted to do for fun (alone and with each other). For traveling, we put where we want to go this year.

  4. Purchases (big) - We want to buy our first house. This is something we want to work towards as a couple.

  5. Work - We work together so we put down what our combined goals are for our businesses. If you want to see an in-depth video about how to work with your partner, click here. We added to keep a barrier between work life and home life. We are confident that would be beneficial to every couple! You can also focus on personal work goals here as well, we did do that too.

"A goal without a plan is only a dream." – Brian Tracy

To take with you...

We listed what we have done for goals for the new year as well as state a few personal things we made goals for. Planning goals isn't always easy so make sure you and your partner have a clear head and you're in a good state of mind to tackle this. We hope that you found some of these #relationshiptips useful as we are certain all of this information would be valuable in your relationship.

If you would like to see an in-depth video surrounding this topic, click here.

Love us.


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