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How to spice things up in the bedroom

If you feel like you need to try something new in the bedroom or something needs to get spiced up, this blog will give you some inspiration! Although, what works for us, might not work for you!

These are secrets we found to be helpful to spice things up in the bedroom.

Since we have been together since high school, there has been a lot of trial and error in the bedroom to say the least! The tips for #spicingitup we give in this blog are all based off of personal experience. These are what we have found what works best to change it up.

#1 - Update your foreplay

Everyone is different when it comes to the bedroom. If you feel like you’ve tried everything, keep looking! Stepping out of your comfort zone usually benefits you in the long run.

#2 - Implement gratitude

Be certain to tell your partner straight up what you like and what you don’t like. If you’ve noticed what they have been doing recently isn’t keeping you in the mood, express that to them and they most likely won’t take it personal!

"The body can become a vehicle to that which is beyond body, and sex energy can become a spiritual force." – Osho

#3 - Take it out of the bedroom

If you non stop do it in the bedroom, it gets repetitive and that itself could make it less spicy in the bedroom. Try any other room in the house! Or even in public if you like thrill!

#4 - Schedule it

Sometimes the busy day can get the best of your relationship. If you already have sexy time scheduled, it makes it easier to make it priority that it gets done. If you’ve had a long day, usually the instinct would be to just do it tomorrow because you’re tired, then that turns repetitive. Having it scheduled also ensures quality time with your partner after your long stressful day. This one is especially important if you have kids!

#5 - Add a toy

Making sure that you and your partner are on the same page about the toys your using does make it easier to incorporate toys!

#6 - Keep track of how often “it‘s” happening

Like we already stated, you can get busy and not realize how long it has been since it went down. Pushing it off does make couples more irritable towards each other and that’s how we usually know when it’s been too long! This also helps to keep it a priority like the other tip does.

#7 - Quickies

This definitely spices it up because it also gives you a thrill and it’s spontaneous! Don’t be afraid of them because you’re super tired, it could actually help and spice more things up.

#8 - Actually wear your lingerie

I think all of us women can agree that we forget we have lingerie at times so make it a priority sometimes to set it out so you remember that you have it and that way you can use it!

That will do it!

We hope that you have found some of these tips useful and will utilize!

If you would like a more in-depth video surrounding this topic, click here.

Love us.


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