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How To Stay Motivated

This is how we stay motivated as a couple & personally.

Sometimes it isn't all about #motivation that keeps your pursuing good things in life. It is about your drive to achieve them and to better youself. How bad do you want change?

What we are going to talk about it strictly what has worked for us, it might not work for you.

Listen to podcasts or motivational videos in the morning

We switch back and fourth between the two to start our brain on the right foot. Feeding your mind positive, informative things right away in the morning will tell your brain that you're going to have an amazing that.

We have signs on the back of our bedroom door that say "Today will be a great day", "I am brilliant", "I have a millionaire mind", "I can and will achieve greatness". Those are just a few examples that we say each morning. We have it on the back of our bedroom door so that it is the first thing we see when we leave our room in the morning, it reminds us to say them ourloud before we start anything.

Affirmations are super key to anything in your life. Saying them and using them in your everyday life will change your life in the best way. It has for us and people we know and we are pretty confident that this one will for you too. Manifest what you want and say it everyday.

Read books

If you don't like to read, force yourself to read each day and you'll thank yourself later. Even just reading 10 pages a day only takes about 10-20 minutes. We read as a couple and take turns each day reading outloud. We read together because as a couple, we have the same goals right now and reading the same book at the same time will benefit us more.

Don't focus on being "motivated" focus on achieving your goals

If you don't want to do something throughout the day, that is usually a sign that it is going to benefit you if you do it. As humans, we grow immensely when we are outside of our comfort zone. We might not know it in the moment, but it shows as time goes on.

We look at our goals as they are nonnegotiables. They have to get done, they have to get achieved. When you're so determined to better yourself and your life in a certain aspect, motivation is only fuel to your fire.

Make a #powerlist of things to accomplish each day

Shoutout to Andy Frisella for this one. We also love his podcast Real AF and we do take a lot of what he says and run with it.

Make this list something you know you'll be able to get done, don't overload it. Having no zero days makes everything easier for you to achieve. No zero days means to at least accomplish what needs to get done for you and your future.

Keep momentum up

Stay on track throughout the day. Notice when you get distracted and get back on track.

Surround yourself with like minded people

Stay away from negative people and toxic relationships. You need to be able to notice which friends of yours are not on the same path, don't have the same mindset and you need to set boundaries with them so that you're able to achieve your goals and keep your mindset positve.

There is nothing wrong with having friends who are in different spots in life and ones that have completely different goals. You just need to know when to set boundaries for personal benefit.

Try to have a few of the same goals as your partner

It is okay to have different goals as your partner but you should have a few that are the same. When you have the same goals as your partner, it motives you within your relationship to achieve things togehter and move forward in life together. This could be a goal to bicker less or to travel more. It is a huge spectrum.

Always express your love for your partner

This keeps you motivated to keep your relationship moving forward and it also makes your partner feel good.

To end with...

When it comes to motivation, you need to be selfish. It will be hard to put mind over matter a lot of the times when it comes to goals and getting stuff done but we can guarantee you that it is more than worth it.

Do something today that makes you uncomfortable.

If you would like to see a more in depth video surrounding this topic, click here.

Love us.


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