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How To Work With Your Partner - (pros & cons)

Experts may advise you to not work with your partner, but we say otherwise.

In this blog, we will be talking about how working together has worked for us and why we reccomend it to other couples that have similar #goals & #ambitions with eachother.

We recently started working together during the #pandemic in 2020. We opened a general services business and started to take social media more serious. We have always heard experts advise to not work with your partner, best friend, family member and so on because it could ruin your relationship and taint important decision making. For us, that has been the opposite.

Ever since we started dating in high school, we have always had extremely similar goals and ambitions for our future plans which we are very grateful for. Once we took action on those goals, our relationship changed.

Pros for working with your partner

The same goals.

Time together - ever since we started working together, we have spent more quality and casual time together which has in itself significantly strengthened our realtionship.

Builds communication & trust with one another - you have to be able to trust your partner to make extremely important decisions in the work life which will roll over into your relationship and personal life. Your communication with one another will strengthen as a whole because he/she is your partner in your work life and personal life so commmunication does become easier.

It made us more responsible - more responsible in our personal lives and in our business life. Working together makes 'your word' more powerful. It is way more crucial to follow through with your word and what you say you're going to do.

Cons for working together

Not as much personal time - when youre with each other constantly for work and you live together, there are times where you feel as if you have no personal time, which is accurate.

Work/Home Life barrier - If you and your partner are working from home it is difficult right away to seperate the two. It has taken us some time to be able to sufficiently seperate the two. It is very crucial to create the barrier as soon as possible if you choose to start working together.

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things." – Mother Teresa

Do we suggest you go into business with your partner?

We aren't licensed therapists or relationship consultants. All the information we have given you in this blog are strictly based off of personal experience, what has worked for us and what hasn't worked. With that being said, if you find there to be more pros to working with your partner than cons, we do feel like working with your partner would do nothing but benefit you in the long run! Before making any life changing decision, make sure that you could trust this person with your life!

Be sure to check out our YouTube that goes into depth about this topic linked here.

Love us.


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