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How we knew we were soulmates

This is how we realized that we were "the one" for each other. These are the realizations we had that made us think that what we had was different and that it just felt right.

These feelings were feelings that we had never experienced.

We are high school sweethearts. At the age of 18, we thought that we had no idea what real love was until we met each other. There's this saying of "when you know, you know" and honestly, that was the first realization we had that we are soulmates.

You don't find your soulmate when you're searching, they come into your life when you least expect it. Maybe even at the worst time.

When you know, you know.

I never really understood what this meant until we met. People would say this all of the time and I would never understand the meaning. There is no proper way to describe what this means other than it being a very specific feeling of certainty.

This is not a feeling you should get with every parter.

Their family feels like your family off of the jump

Each others family felt like their own from the jump. Everything was so easy and comfortable, it just felt right.

"The greatest relationships are the ones you never expected to be in" - unknown

No holding back

There was no holding back in any circumstance with us. We told each other everything and were never nervous to express how we felt. This was something that wasn't present in previous relationships.

We were able to express differences and things we didn't like

From day 1, we could say what we didn't like and we would care about why our partner didn't like it. If it was a bigger concern we would analyze and see how we can work around this difference.

No need to impress each other

No matter what I wore or if I had makeup on or not, I never felt selfconcious around him. He makes me feel beautiful no matter how I look. We love each other for who they are, no matter their looks.

Same interests

We both want to travel, try new things and experiences.

We brought out a different side in each other

We both want to do things that we wouldn't usually without each other. We make each other think outside of the box and push our fears. We make each other a better person at the end of the day. Your partner should always make you a better person.

Make each other genuinely happy at their worst

We have always been able to make each other feel comforted and at home when we are at our worst. We found each other when we both weren't in the best spot. We always feel at ease knowing we have each other no matter what happens.

Envision the future with him/her

We have always been able to see a future with each other. We were planning babies and marriage after a month of being together. We planned to be together forever early on because we envisioned our future together, there was no future in our eyes without each other. Going into a relationship you should plan to be with the person long term and if you can't see a future with them then maybe they aren't right for you.

At the end of the day...

When you feel like all of the pieces are falling together and you feel like you've known this special someone forever, that could be a sign that this is your soulmate. When you feel so strong about this person and you feel like you would have no purpose without them, thats who you are meant for.

Keep an eye out for the signs.

If you want to see a more in depth video about how we knew, click here.

Love us.


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