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Relationship advice for new/young couples (From high school sweethearts)

We wish we would’ve had someone tell us information similar to what you’re learning in this blog when we first started dating. Now, we’re going to share our best advice that we have learned along the way to improve your relationship for the long term. #relationshipadvice

We are very proud to be high school sweethearts. Not many people are able to continue their relationship outside of high school and we do believe that some of the reasons why they aren’t able to are in this blog!

We are very confident that this advice could be of value to new couples of all ages as well. Everything you find in this blog is strictly based off of personal experiences within our personal relationship that we believe could add value to others!

#1 - Keep the past in the past

Avoid bringing up past events, past arguments, past situations and just anything in the past that isn’t related to what is currently going on. When you bring up things that happened awhile ago, it does nothing but make you feel like you or your partner haven’t changed. in most cases, you are a completely different person so it does no good in the long run to bring up old things.

#2 - Always listen

You’re new into this relationship thing and getting to know the other person by always listening to what they have to say will grow/improve your relationsion exponentially. You need to show them that you care, especially early on into a relationship because you know nothing about this person. Always listening to your partner is important no matter what stage you are in in the relationship.

"Listening is love in action." – Leo Buscaglia

#3 - Don’t make comparisons

Try to avoid comparing or basing your relationship off of other relationships you have seen or your past relationships. Always remind yourself that, your last relationship ended for a reason :). Every relationship is different in its own way. Every relationship also progress at different speed.

#4 - Look at their actions more than their words

Early on in a relationship it is crucial to watch for green and red flags. If you notice something that you think could be a red flag, don’t ignore it. Whatever you’re thinking could be a red flag at the time could turn into something way bigger in the future and it isn’t worth wasting your time over. It is way easier to change your mind about your partner early on than it is to just up and leave a couple years down the road. Being observant helps a lot.

Tip #5 - Be vulnerable

Even though being vulnerable sounds scary and intimidating, it has shown us that it does nothing but help your relationship in the long run. Be sure to be as open as possible, express all your feelings, express everything on your mind and just be honest! If it makes you uncomfortable to tell your partner, thats a sign that you should probably tell them.

Tip #6 - Don’t give up time with your family and friends

This will seem hard, as it was extremely hard and we didn’t really listen to this one early on. Life is short, if your family wants to see you but you have plans with your partner, go see your family! You will have so much time to see your partner after or you could even bring them with! Don’t cut your friends off when you get a new partner. Don’t forget about the people in your life that were there before your partner.

Tip #7 - Don‘t sugar coat the truth

If you need to tell your partner something important, just tell them the whole truth because eventually, they will learn the full truth and it will become a bigger issue down the road than it would’ve been if you would’ve just said it all right away. You want to build trust and honesty with your partner early on because that’s key in a relationship so focus on giving the all of you! The good, the bad and the ugly!

What to take away…

We want you guys to know that all of these tips are strictly based off of personal exerpience and what has worked for us. Some might not work for you and that’s okay. We are confident that your partner will love you for who you are. Also, if it’s meant to be, it will!

If you would like to view an in-depth video surrounding this topic, it will be linked here.

Love us.


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