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Top 5 Essentials For A Healthy Realtionship

We have found these 5 specific essentials that work the best to help keep our relationship healthy. We are confident some, if not all, of these will benefit your relationship in some way.

We have came a long way since we started dating nearly 6 years ago. What you will find in this blog are the most important tips we can give anyone to keep your realtionship healthy. We are very confident that these will influence your relationship in a positive matter. We didn't learn these the hard way, but we are telling you them so you don't have to learn the hard way.

What has worked for us, might not work for you. Although, our young selves would've loved to come across a blog like this to help us build a healthier relationship.

This is #1 because this one is HUGE! You need to communicate! About anything and everything! This is the most important tip we can give you to keep a #healthyrelationship. You need to communicate your feelings, you need to express how you feel about situations, you need to tell your partner your opinion about certain things. If it makes you uncomfortable to talk about with your partner, that's usually a sign that it needs to get talked about!

Tip #2 - #Trust

If your relationship is lacking trust, you need to figure out what specifically is causing the lack in trust and try to work it out with your partner as soon as possible. You need to be able to trust that your partner will do what they say they will do. You should be able to trust them enough to not be paranoid they're being sneaky. In the past whenever we've felt a lack of trust in a situation with one another, we always work it out immediately before that lack of trust causes more issues within the relationship at the time.

"Without communication, there is no relationship. Without respect, there is no love. Without trust, there is no reason to continue"

Tip #3 - #Support

Have open ears when your partner is telling you something that means a lot to them, or if they have an idea they're super excited about or just anything along those lines. If you would want your partners support in something important to you, expect they want the same. Supporting their dreams is a big thing and to always push them to do better. Avoid shooting down their ideas at all costs, that always hurts more than you assume. Either way you have to support your partner at the end of the day whether you like it or not because they're your ride or die!

Tip #4 - #Respect

You have to respect your partner in everything in life. Whether that's, their needs, wishes, wants, opinions or ideas. Respecting your partner in general also goes a long way as in, trying to avoid at all costs, no name calling, no bad looks, no rude statements and anything that you would be offended by to avoid doing to the person you love. This also correlates with respecting their family and friends.

This is the last but definetly NOT least essential. We are confident that if you can't work as a team, will it ever work? We have found that always being on each others team, in anything in life, will make the dreamwork. Teamwork ties everything in together, teamwork takes communication, honesty, respect and basically all of the Top 4 essentials before this one!

To sum it up...

We do believe that without adding these 5 qualities to your relationship, it will be hard to keep it healthy. Not one of these tips are necessarily more imporant than the other but there are some that we have worked harder to figure out the importance of.

Be sure to check out our YouTube video that goes more in depth about this topic linked here.

Love us.


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